Posts tagged Growth
Not Attracting Enough Customers or Clients? Your Blog Strategy Might be to Blame

I find the most difficult part of being a creative entrepreneur is managing the constant flow of new ideas. Everyday, I think of more and more possibilities and directions to explore for my business, and it can be quite a task to manage, analyze, and sort through them all.

The largest stream of ideas is usually for my blog content. There are so many things I want to share on my blog, but it often seems impossible to check each one off my never-ending list. Which posts should I write first? Which ones will be most strategic for my business? Which posts will be most helpful for my audience?

With a huge number of tentative posts, topics, and tips to create, it can be a bit overwhelming to figure out which blogs to write—especially while juggling other areas of business, such as client work, social media marketing, newsletter content, product development, and so on.

It takes a lot of time and energy to think through every blog post possibility, decide which ones to write each month, and map out titles into an editorial calendar.

In a panic, it can be easy select and write posts on a whim because we know creating content is key to growing a successful business. Gotta stay consistent. Gotta show up. Gotta build that SEO.

But this frantic approach leads to “idea clutter,” and it can quickly cause your business to crash and burn. Your posts are all over the place. They’re hard to write. They don’t grow your readership. They feel like a complete and utter waste.

And yet, you keep on blogging because you’re still hoping to strike gold one day.

But take a deep breath because today I have a simple solution to make blogging easy again. In this post, I’m going to show you how to cut the clutter, get to the point, and create blog posts that convert.

It’s time to whip your blog into shape so it can become a powerhouse for your business—instead of a burden.

Let’s begin!

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6 Strategies for Instagram Success: Gearing up for My Instagram Growth Challenge

Instagram has been one of the best tools for small business owners for over five years. And while the features keep getting bigger and better, many creators find that their engagement is declining. When Instagram introduced their non-chronological algorithm several years ago, it caused many brands to lose their reach and become out-of-touch with their audience.

Instagram has amazing benefits, though it can be an overwhelming or dreaded task if you aren’t seeing results. It can be a lot of work to get the ball rolling and to keep the momentum going if you don’t have a simple strategy in place.

So the last thing a creative entrepreneur wants to do is lose all of that hard work by making the algorithm—or their audience—unhappy.

That’s what this January challenge is all about: how to grow a loyal and engaged audience on Instagram and how to keep the platform happy—all without using up hours of your day.

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15 Reasons to Utilize a Newsletter and Email List for Creative Business

The “newsletter” and the “email list” are talked about a lot these days. And it’s no wonder because they come with countless benefits.

Even if you aren’t quite sure what they do or why you need them, you’ve likely come in contact with these tools before. (Ever get emails from your favorite stores?)

But newsletters aren’t just for big, established businesses.

In fact, they’re one of the best tools for creative small businesses and start-ups, too. And the sooner you start building yours, the better off your business will be.

Read on to learn the principles of a newsletter and an email list.

And if you still aren’t convinced or simply haven’t jumped on board, I’m also sharing 15 indisputable reasons to start your newsletter today!

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