Tools + Resources We Use + Recommend

a curated list of my favorite tools for creative entrepreneurs


These resources have been game-changers for my business, and I think you might love them, too. When you sign up for some of these tools, I may receive a small commission, which helps me keep the tips and strategies coming your way. Hope you enjoy them!



Interact Quiz Builder

Make your first quiz for free today with Interact. They make it easy to create a quiz that grows your audience at the same time. Here are just a few ideas:

  • Use an Interact quiz as a lead magnet to grow your newsletter and audience.

  • Make money from your quiz by including it as part of your latest income-generating offering.

  • Create a quiz to give more value to your customers or clients while saving you time and letting the quiz work in the background.

  • Learn more about what products and services your audience wants to buy from you by asking them in a quick and easy quiz.

  • Boost your next launch by increasing hype with a fun quiz to get your audience excited and ready to purchase.

Learn how to create your quiz in my step-by-step blog post, or start building your first quiz today.




Get 1 month of Tailwind free PLUS a $15 credit so your second month is free, too! Tailwind helps you optimize the images you save on Pinterest, sending them out at your command to reach your target audience.


Sign up for a forever free Planoly account and only upgrade if you need more features. Planning your Instagram just got easier. Planoly makes it easy to upload, rearrange, and prepare each of your posts until you’re ready to publish.


You know what the worst feeling in the world is? Putting your taxes off and tackling them all at once. What’s the solution? Staying on track of your finances little by little throughout the year. Start organizing your finances today.



Hands-down my top recommendation for websites. Squarespace’s all-in-one platform puts a plethora of options and tools right at your fingertips. Your goals and business dreams will thank you. Squarespace saves me hours of time every month.

Toggl Track

Track your time for free with Toggle to see where your day goes. I use it every day to ensure I’m working productively. It’s also a great way to group your tasks into projects to see how long they take you.


Stay on track of your schedule with Asana. It’s my favorite platform for making out my content calendar and projects. It also makes collaborating and sharing tasks with others a breeze.