Posts in Productivity
How to Plan 30 Days of Instagram Content

Planning Instagram content 30 days in advance has many benefits.

It allows you to create and prepare everything so you only need to spend a few minutes on Instagram each day.

It helps you to “show up” consistently without Instagram becoming your full-time job.

It saves so much time and lets you create an Instagram routine that works with your busy life.

And, you never again have to stress out about throwing a post together last-minute.

If you’re wishing for a better posting strategy, or if you’re just curious about this whole “planning” thing, you’ve come to the right place. Because today, I’m sharing my simple step-by-step process for intentionally planning 30 days of Instagram content.

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My Step-by-Step Process for a Successful Year

It’s that time of year again—when everything feels fresh and new. Goals swirl around our minds with ever-growing excitement about what we hope to accomplish in the new year.

We dream big about our businesses and can’t wait to get started on our latest and greatest ideas.

But without a methodical way to set and reach goals, there isn’t much hope for success.

So today, I’m giving you my step-by-step process to effectively plan for a successful and productive year. This is an in-depth blog post you won’t want to miss.

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How I Got a Head-Start on the New Year

I wanted to try something new going into January this year: get a head-start.

The first few weeks of January usually get away from me, and before I know it, I’m halfway through February.

So I brainstormed ways to set myself up for success this year, and I’m happy to announce it’s made a huge difference so far. They are strategies I plan to continue implementing for the rest of the year, and I recommend you try them out, too.

This is what I did:

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17 Ways I’m Improving My Productivity this Quarter

Do you ever find yourself struggling to make progress? With countless distractions and ways to wander from the path, it’s easy to fall behind.

The ability to work in a productive capacity can make or break any business. In fact, much of your success likely rests in this skill.

I’ve been focusing on maintaining its momentum over the past several months, and in this mega-packed blog post, I’ve rounded up 17 ways I’m improving my productivity this quarter.

I guarantee you’ll want to start implementing some of these strategies today!

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Entrepreneur Highlight: Implementing Simplicity to Boost Focus and Productivity

The first time I landed on Vanessa’s blog, Pursue Simple Joy, it only took about 5 seconds to realize how productive she is in her business! So I am thrilled to have her join me on the blog to share her insights and story with you all today!

Vanessa and her husband, Micah, are an inspiring resource for boosting focus and productivity through simplifying the unnecessaries.

Their blog is filled with thoughtful post-after-post about pursuing simplicity for a more joyful life. And it’s easy to see the benefits of their approach just by glimpsing at how much they get accomplished.

I was intrigued to learn more about Vanessa’s tips and methods for maintaining such high productivity levels, and I knew she was the perfect creative to invite on for my weekly Entrepreneur Highlight series.

This feature is jam-packed with so many easy-to-implement takeaways about running a small business.

For strategies that will supercharge your focus and productivity, keep reading.

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Entrepreneur Highlight: Balancing a Productive Side-Hustle while Working a Full-Time Job

This blog post is extra special because it’s the very first in my new Friday series: Entrepreneur Highlight.

Starting this week, I’m bringing on entrepreneurs from different creative industries to share their businesses, insights, and talents with you.

One of the things I love most about working with my clients is getting to know so many different creative entrepreneurs who have created a unique business around their passion.

I’m always amazed at how each industry pocket and individual have fresh perspectives and unique approaches. And I want to share that with you, too.

My friend, Caitlynn of Rustic Oil Life, is joining us today for the debut of my new series, and I couldn’t be more excited to introduce her to you all.

In this post, Caitlynn is sharing how she is growing a side-hustle that fits her lifestyle—all while being a wife, getting ready for the arrival of their little one, and working a demanding, full-time job!

If you’re trying to find balance with your business and full-time job, or if you’re just hoping to get better at making productive use of your time, this post is for you!

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How to Stay Motivated in Your Creative Business

Chasing your business dreams is an adventure. There’re bends in the path, forks in the road, and rocks you might stumble over.

One of the biggest pitfalls is losing the excitement and desire to work hard and pursue those dreams. And unfortunately, it’s often an easy path to find yourself on.

Motivation is what gets you from point A to point B. It’s essential to the success of your business because it sustains you along the trail to your X’s on the map.

Today’s blog post is for the times you experience a lull in your drive for your creative business (or if you just want to give your motivation a boost).

Dive into 10 ways to stay motivated and help you spring into action each day.

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25 Ways to be Strategic with Your Time and Efforts

Have you ever listed out every single task you do for your creative business? 

I’m willing to bet that it’s a long list. 

Each one of these tasks take time. And time is very, very limited. 

For some people, an 8 hour workday feels painfully long, but for many creative entrepreneurs, a 16 hour work session never feels quite long enough for all of the things we hope to accomplish.

Can you relate?

Since we’re a hustling bunch, we have to be extra careful with where our time goes. Because, after all, the clock doesn’t stop for even a second.

My calendar is always filled with things to check off. I used to wonder where all of my time went. But since then, I’ve gained some insight into making more progress and having more to show for my time.

So today, I’m sharing my favorite 25 tips for being strategic with your time and efforts.

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My Favorite Proven Productivity Secrets for Getting More Done Each Day

We often kick-off the year with a motivated mindset that helps us get headway on conquering our goals. 

After a few months in, the excitement begins to wear off, and we tend to lose traction on some the things we wanted to get done.

It's easy to let discouragement sink in, and we wonder if we set out with too much ambition or if we aren’t capable of accomplishing our goals.

But missing the mark isn’t always because our goals are unrealistic or because we don’t have what it takes; it’s usually because we haven’t used our time in the best way possible.

Productivity is a creative entrepreneur’s best friend. Failing to utilize it is the biggest opportunity you could ever miss out on for your business.

After lots of experimenting with ways to be productive while working from home, I can’t wait to share my favorite 10 methods with you in today’s blog post. They have been the biggest game-changers for my entrepreneurial journey to date.

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