Brand Conversion Guide


If you’re hoping to make money with your business, it’s important to focus on creating a brand that converts. From your content on social media to your blog, you want your followers to connect with your brand in a way that will turn them into loyal customers and clients.

Boost your brand’s conversion rates with my easy-to-implement 5-step process.


1. Clarity

Get to know your business.

The first step of connecting with your customers and clients is to be crystal clear about what your business is and does.

After all, if you're confused about your business, how is someone else supposed to understand why they should buy your products or services?

This stage sets the foundation for your brand's messaging, so be certain you can pinpoint the following:

  • Know what you are offering and why

  • And know exactly what product or service you are selling

  • Know the reason you started your business

  • Have an idea of your business's mission

  • Know your short and long term business goals

ACTION STEP // If you haven't clarified these details already, take a few minutes to work through the list above. Write them out before you move onto the next step.


2. Value

Explore the transformation and the experience you offer.

Once you're clear on your products and services, it's time to determine the value behind them. Highlighting the take-away's or the benefits of your offerings is a powerful opportunity that you won't want to skip.

Your brand's message should clearly convey the value that someone is getting when they buy or book from you. Often, someone won't be able to pick out the full value just by seeing your product or service, so you'll want to point them right to it.

To hone in on the value of your business, consider these three key components:

The transformation you offer

The best way to figure out your value is to walk through the transformation (whether a product or service) that your audience will have after buying your business offering.

If you sell products, for example, paint a picture that tells them what they're missing out on and what their life will look like once they buy your amazing product. Point out a problem your product will solve for them—whether it's needing a new stylish purse to brighten up their wardrobe or having a new skill in their toolkit after they take your course.

If you sell services, same thing. Walk them through the transformation by highlighting the take-away's and how much better off they'll be once they book your service and work with you.

Your brand experience

You'll also want to convey the experience:

  • What's it like to receive your product in the mail?

  • What is it like to work through your online course?

  • What is it like to work with you?

  • What does it feel like?

Think about the thoughts and feelings and other factors that make up an entire experience.

Your unique specialization

Don't forget to highlight what is unique about your business. Think about what you do differently, or what makes your business special. It could be a skill, level of experience, or something else that you bring to the table.

Sift through ways you stand out from others in your industry, and figure out ways that your originality adds to the value.

ACTION STEP // Work through the transformation, experience, and unique aspects of your products or services, and write out a thorough and detailed list of the value within your business.


3. Audience

Identify your audience and get to know them well.

To ensure conversion, your brand’s messaging needs to connect with your customers and clients on a deep level. And that begins by, first, knowing who they are and, second, knowing them well.

Identify your audience.

Exactly who needs your paid offerings the most? Determine a specific group of people who are most likely to want your product or service.

Get to know your audience.

Get to know your audience better, and understand them. Figure out their hesitations and their biggest struggles and needs so you can resonate with potential customers and clients. Discover the particular pain-points and concerns of your audience. 

Knowing and anticipating where they're at helps you find focus and gives you a bit of strategic leverage and guidance when it comes to word-choices and choosing what to highlight in your messaging. This allows you to clearly speak to them on a deep level so they easily understand how your business can benefit them.

Once you know them well, you’ll know exactly how to connect with them through your website and content.

ACTION STEP // Work through the tips above to hone in on your audience and lay the groundwork for the next step.


4. Outline

Draft the main points you want your messaging to convey.

Now it’s time to craft your brand messaging to connect with your dream customers and clients.

Gather details and outline your plan.

What do you want to get across? Determine precisely what you want people to know about your business.

  • Be sure to include your value by touching on the transformation, experience, and unique elements.

  • And list other things you want your brand message to embody.

  • Consider your audience's biggest struggles and what they want or need the most.

The goal is to list all of the details you want to pack into your brand's messaging so you won't lose focus or overlook anything when you write it out.

Create a written draft.

Now, write your messaging. Think about how you can write in a way that helps them understand and connect with you.

Since you've identified their struggles, desires, and mindset in Step 3 above (Audience), utilize that knowledge as you strive to show them why your product or service will help them and be valuable for them. Do this through . . .

Word choices:

  • How to choose words: Look at your notes on your audience. Make sure you're using words that they understand and resonate with. Choose words that connect with where they're at. Convey your value by writing with words that resonate with your ideal audience.

  • And by touching on their pain points and struggles. This demonstrates that you know where they're at, and it also engages their emotions, which gets them to think about and consider your offering on a deeper level.

There's no need to be sales-y or pushy if you're genuine about the value of your products or services. Simply help your audience see how much your offerings will benefit them:

  • Showcase the transformation your product or service offers. Walk them through the transformation with great descriptions. Help them visualize the before and after. By allowing them to resonate with the before and helping them clearly picture the after.

  • Highlight the experience, too. Paint a picture of what it's like to use or hold your product or what it's like to work with you.

  • Convey all of the unique features that make your business extra special and one-of-a-kind.

ACTION STEP // Work through the steps above to craft your messaging. Then, polish and perfect it.


5 // Showcase

Bring your polished brand messaging to life with your brand identity and website.

The final step in boosting your traffic conversion is utilizing a strategic website and brand identity design to turn visitor into customers and clients.

Clear messaging, marketing funnels, and content paths is one of the first steps to creating a high-conversion website. Once you've established your messaging, you're one step closer to having a well-designed brand.

Optimize your website for conversion.

Put your new, lovely brand messaging to good use, and bring it to life with a brand and website design to match.

Place your messaging throughout the pages on your website, such as your Home page, About page, etc. to guide your audience through an intentional path throughout your site to call them to take action.

Ready to boost your conversion this year? Let’s work together!

(3 spots left for 2021) Let's strategically place and showcase your brand messaging throughout your new website to convey the unique value of your business and show potential customer and clients how they will benefit from buying your product or service.

  • I'll help you transform your entire brand with a one-of-a-kind visual identity to further showcase your value and tie everything together in a professional design.

  • I work 1-on-1 with clients to create an intentional and strategic brand and website. My unique design process takes place over a 1-week timeline where your project has my complete focus.

  • Or if you're still stuck, work with me to discover and build your ideal brand through creative brand strategy coaching.


Let’s work together to boost your brand’s conversion levels.

A high-converting brand and website saves you time and money. Here are a few ways we can work together this season:

Brand Strategy Coaching
Brand + Website Design